Sunday, January 30, 2011

Right things, wrong reasons

Mom and I just joined a women’s bible study on Sunday night at our church. We went last Sunday for the first time. We didn’t have our book yet so Mrs. Barbara (the group leader) made us copies of the first week’s lessons. We said that we would get our books and have them by next Sunday’s meeting. Mom and I also signed up to cook the meal for our next meeting. Little did we know that the coming week would be a very long and hectic week!

One of my best friends’ mom, Lisa Wilson, went to the hospital Monday with bleeding on her brain and found out she had an inoperable mass in her brain. She was in the hospital from Monday until Thursday when they released her. She will begin radiation treatments next week. I was not physically able to do anything because I had to either work or go to school Monday through Saturday, but my thoughts and prayers were with my best friend’s family all week. Mom went to the hospital to see Mrs. Lisa on Tuesday and planned to go Thursday but was pleasantly surprised to hear that the hospital had released her.

My dad has also been sick with bronchitis this entire past week. So, needless to say, my mom and I completely forgot to get a book for our Bible study and did not even think about the supper we agreed to make. Around two o’clock this afternoon as I was heading to my room for my Sunday afternoon nap, I remembered that we had to make supper for the group. I told mom and she said exactly what I figured she would: “Oh my gosh! I completely forgot!” We decided to go to Wal-Mart before church and get something to throw together. On our way to Wal-Mart, we planned who would run get what, as not to waste any time because we were already running late. Sarah ran (and when I say ran, I really mean ran) to get some tea. I ran to get something sweet, and mom went to get the meat for sandwiches (I think mom’s running days are over). We finally got checked out and on our way to church after rushing through Wal-mart for about thirty minutes.

When we got to church, we ran to the kitchen to prepare everything, then ran upstairs to our meeting room and set it all out. In the process, I left my purse in the kitchen, which has our copy of the week’s lesson in it. After everyone eats and things get started, mom and I realize that we don’t have our copy of the lesson or our Bibles. The only thing we were thinking about, as we ran out the door, was the supper. Not the fact that we were going to a Bible study and might need our Bibles! To make matters worse, Mrs. Barbara mentions that Mrs. Carol is just joining us tonight for the first time and just got her book this afternoon to which Carol responds, “Oh, but I’ve gotten today’s lesson completed.” I look at mom with a huge smile on my face and it took all my energy to keep from dying laughing. Mom and I had copies of the past week’s lesson but hadn’t even looked at it. Mrs. Carol just got her book and was already ahead of us!

As Mom and I sat there in the Bible study tonight, the only ladies without Bibles or books, I realized that we had gotten way off track. We had focused so little on the Bible study. We were too busy with our daily lives to sit down and let the Lord speak to us. I signed up for the Bible study simply because I thought it would look bad if I didn’t. I am currently the Young Adult Coordinator for our church. Since I couldn’t get a group started for young adults, I felt obligated to join another group. It wasn’t until tonight that I realized, I have been doing so many things (most of them good) all for the wrong reasons.

I haven’t been taking enough time to really listen to what it is God wants me to do. Instead, I’ve just been doing what I think He would have me do.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

a new semester, a new year

Along with a new year, also comes a new semester of college: the second semester of my junior year. I can't believe I'm over half way through with college! I feel I have grown in so many ways since I first started college. Going off to Mobile to college my freshman year helped me learn how to be independent, but I also learned how much I loved my family and how important they are to me. I spent my second year of college trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life! The year 2010,however, I believe I grew more than any other. I learned how much I needed God in my life and how little I depended on Him before. I discovered that I will never experience true happiness unless I am following the Lord. As long as I am running from Him, I will always feel like something is missing. If I'm in the Lord's will, nothing else matters. Trust Him, and He does the rest. It's just that simple. Of course, that is easier said than done. I'm still learning that saying I trust in Him and truly trusting in the Lord are two completely different things. But when I do really trust in God and give Him the reins, He has never let me down. Now, as this new year has just begun, I am looking forward to what the Lord will do in my life as I begin to trust in Him more. I don't want to run from Him. I am going to start running TO Him from now on. And as fast as possible! I want to start living the life that God planned for me, because that is the best life. And I am going to really need His help this semester! I am taking 17 hours including the dreaded Spanish 2 and my clinical practicum! I have no earthly idea what I am doing, but I've got to start doing it on Tuesday when I have my first client! It's going to be a hectic and stressful semester to say the least. But I know the Lord will get me through it, just like He got me through last year.